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RPN, Advanced Foot Care Nurse, Licensed Education Provider
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Healed Sole is a mobile Foot Care nurse who comes to provide care in LTC, hospitals, residential homes, communities and clinics.


Healed Sole specializes in lower limb assessment , prevention and treatment.  We work with you and the care team to ensure your health is well taken care of to prevent lower limb disease.


Healed Sole also trains nurses to become foot care nurses to help with the ever increasing demand of foot care in the North. Nurses trained through Healed Sole will be offered employment opportunities, mentorship as well as professional support.  


An advanced foot care nurse is a regulated health professional with extensive training in foot care as well as diabetic foot and wound care. A foot care nurse is fully qualified to assess, manage and provide education for foot, skin and toenail concerns.


  • Have an Advanced Diabetic Foot Care Certificate

  • Carry individual practice insurance

  • Are in good standing with their governing body

  • Have their immunizations  up-to-date

  • Have current clear police screen for the vulnerable

  • Are preferred providers for Veterans Affairs


At Healed Sole you will receive quality service with your health in mind. Single use instruments, best practices in infection control, holistic health approach as well as professional and knowledgeable nurses. 


  1. Lower Limb Assessment

  2. Nail Clipping

  3. Neuropathic Assessment

  4. Fungal Nail Treatment

  5. Corn and Callus Relief

  6. Ingrown and Involuted Nails

  7. Foot Health Education

  8. Offloading

  9. Nail Bracing 

  10. Gait Analysis

  11. Nail Reconstruction

  12. Referrals


Healed Sole offers training to RN's, RPN's, NP's as well as clinics, health organizations, and communities. 


Here is a list of course offerings through Healed Sole


1. 43 hour Foot Canada Training Clinical Course


2. Clinical Package Theory + Clinical Budle


3. Podiatry Instrument Skills


4. Offloading


5. Silicone Moulding


6. PAD & ABPI 


7. Diabetes Workshop Advanced Foot Care Nurse


8. Nail Bracing & Packing


9. Sharps Reduction


10. Foot Health Workshops

Hi, My name is Shannon and I am the face behind Healed Sole!

I started my Foot Care journey around 6 years ago. I have been a nurse for 12 years and have experienced a little bit of everything from LTC, community, float nurse at LWDH, Addictions, Mental Health, Teaching, Management, Wound Care and now Foot Care.


I have always known that I have a passion for nursing specialties instead of multitasking with many skills. I was approached by Lou Swancar a Chiropodist in Kenora to get into Foot Care, here my journey started. 


As a Foot Care nurse for 6 years I have worked in clinics, northern communities and my own sole proprietorship Healed Sole. I am always learning, taking new courses and have become a Foot Care Nurse educator through Foot Canada Training



Getting help from other members of the Foot Health Team

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What is done in love is done well
Vincent Van Gogh

915 hwy 641

Keewatin, ON


Tel:  807-407-7767



The best way to reach me is through e-mail

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© 2018 by Shannon Matheson. Proudly created with

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